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Fix Common Problems with your Computer!.....

Check all the connections like Monitor Cable, Data cables,RAM, Display Card , CPU connections.

Problem in RAM Connection.

Microsoft extends security support for Windows XP

Despite so many warnings from Microsoft and Cyber Security Experts, Windows XP is still being used by a number of Government organizations, Financial institutions as well as big Corporations all around the world.

SEA gather evidence that Microsoft selling your information to FBI

A document recently leaked by Syrian Electronic Army shows that Microsoft is charging FBI secret division to legally view customer information.  The documents are said to have been taken from Microsoft.

Syrian Electronic Army(SEA) is known for hacking social media accounts and websites of top organizations including Microsoft, CNN, Daily dot and more.


Well today we gonna learn 8 Unknown Facts About Android OS. Yes you heard right “Unknown and Unusual Facts about Android”. One of the most popular, gazing, and stunning (I cannot say elegant) Smart-Phones Operating System. I really don’t need to define it. You’ll really wonder about facts

1. Android wasn’t Google’s Idea

Dropped your phone in water? - Here's what to do next......

Accidents happen with phones and water but it doesn't always mean that all hope is lost. Below is a brief guide as to what you should do if your phone has been totally immersed in water.

1. Take the phone out of the water as quickly as possible.

2. Do not attempt to switch it on as this may cause further damage.

3. Remove the battery as quickly as you can, also remove the memory and sim cards.

The Birth and history of C Programming Language

The C language shook the computer world. Its impact should not be underestimated, because it fundamentally changed the way programming was approached and thought about. The creation of C was a direct result of the need for a structured, efficient, high level language that could replace assembly code when creating systems programs.

Facebook launches election tracker app for India

Way2Computerworld: In a bid to gear up for the general election, social media network Facebook India has launched a tracker for the upcoming polls. The 'India Election Tracker' is a new dashboard that will track mentions of candidates and parties throughout the election period.

Bitcoin- A brief intro......!!

What is BitCoin?

Bitcoin is a new currency that was created in 2009 by an unknown person using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Transactions are made with no middle men – meaning, no banks! There are no transaction fees and no need to give your real name. More merchants are beginning to accept them: You can buy webhosting services, pizza or even manicures.